Monday, October 23, 2006

There is no stopping him now...

Well, Liam is 100% mobile now. Until this week his walking was limited to going between two objects. Now, however, he goes where he pleases. Fully capable of stopping, starting, picking things up, and carrying things around. While this event has made us full of parental pride and joy, it has also caused us an entirely new level of stress and work. Things that were previously safe from Liam's ever expanding reach are now easily at his fingertips. Everyday I am amazed at how fast he progresses. He is smart, strong, curious, and inventive. I am thankful everyday that I am his dad and that he is our son. Now I know every parent thinks that their child is the best, most well developed child the earth has ever seen, but this is my blog and I can say what I want to say.

As you can tell by the same outfit in most of these pictures, Liam is a busy little boy. Here he tries his hand at living room spelunking. Posted by Picasa

What is it with kids these days? Always running around with their pants sagging. I think it is a parenting failure. Posted by Picasa

Liam once again combining some of his favorite activities. Climbing and Sesame Street. Not sure if he was trying to get inside the t.v. or if he just felt like climbing. Posted by Picasa

This is another picture from the day of the quake (notice the candle in the background). Katie and I were playing a board game at the kitchen table and Liam was playing happily in his highchair. Next thing we know the kid was out. Posted by Picasa

Nothing like a little Father-Son bonding time. Posted by Picasa